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Daily Protein Requirement Chart

Daily Protein Requirement Chart -
Daily Protein Requirement Chart

 Calculations are based upon activity level and weight of individual, Protein digestion and acceptance by muscle purely depends upon maturity of muscle and activity of individual 

Dumbbell Exercises for Chest

Dumbbell Exercises for Chest WITH Bench

Dumbbell Exercises for Chest WITHOUT Bench

Dumbbell  Flies 


Decline Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell Press

NOTE :- You can either go for High weight and Low Reps,
Or AVG weight High Reps.

How to Use Fat Burner - Stimulant and Non - Stimulant Fat burner

From all the questions I have ever received, many people are confused how and when to take fat burners and which one to chose.

To begin with there are mainly two types of fat burners,
1) Stimulant Based – With Caffeine
2) Non Stimulant Based – Without caffeine

First step in understanding how to use your fat burner is understanding what type of fat burner you have, and what results you may expect from it. To begin with stimulant based fat burners

What are stimulant based fat burners?

In simplest words, any fat burner having caffeine in it as an ingredient is a stimulant based fat burner. Many fat burners have caffeine as single ingredient or with a combination or as a blend

So what is caffeine?

Yes I know you people are aware of caffeine, but many people think it as a drug, caffeine is also used as a dietary supplement. Many pre-workout supplements and fat burner has it as an active ingredient. Using caffeine wisely can give great results in achieving weight loss goals.

Being done with basic of caffeine

How to use A Stimulant Based Fat Burners?

As caffeine is known to increase focus, concentration and stamina to a certain limit, and is also proven to be addictive. Any fat burner which has caffeine in it can be addictive if taken for long periods (3 weeks or more)

For this reason Stimulant fat burners prescribe the dosage to follow, protocol to use it. It is based on simple rule, i.e. to study tolerance of individuals. Every person reacts differently to caffeine.

It is advice to go with 1 Pill on first two days, when tolerance is achieved, the dose can be increased to 2 pills per day after a week or 4 days, the dose can be increased to 3 pills which must be taken with first meal and second meal, the final phase is to take 4 pills i.e. 2 pills morning and 2 pills evening.
Direction of Stimulant Fat burner (Hydroxycut Hardcore)

1 pill day 1 - 2
2 pills Days 3 - 4
3 Pills (2 Pills with 1st Meal and 1 Pill with 2nd Meal) day 5 - 6
4 Pills (2 Pills Morning and 2 Pills Evening) after 7 days

Caffeine increases alertness, concentration, and keeps you awake till it is in your system. If you are a person who workout at afternoon or evening

Just understand how it works.

For afternoon you can take it just before your workout (45 mins)

For morning workout take it before your pre-workout meal

For evening workouts take it 1-2 hours after lunch, you can take it 45 mins before your workout but you may have problem sleeping. My advice is to take 4 hours before your evening workout.

What are non Stimulant Fat burners ?

As simple as that, fat burners which do not have mainly caffeine as its active ingredient is non stimulant. To be clear, these type of fat burners won’t give you any alertness focus and increase in concentration.

Such fat burners are not addictive, they can be started or stopped any time.
These are mainly carbs blocker, they help you control your appetite. Many people have carving for carbs, they get hungry very soon, or don’t feel a satisfaction of eating. For such people these fat burners can be helpful.
Mainly these fat burners have all natural ingredients and extracts of super foods, such as Garcinia etc. Which is appetite suppressant.

Another thing which I would like to say and end this article is, drinking of water. If you chose to go with stimulant or non- stimulant fat burner, water is must. On average you must drink 3-4 liters of water. Fat burners dehydrate your body, if you don’t drink enough water when on fat burners you may stress your kidney which may result in kidney failure. If you are on Stimulant based fat burner you must drink more as the level of dehydration will be more.
So take care. Don’t compromise with drinking water

25 Benefits of Dalchini - Cinnamon

 is a spice obtained from the inner bark of the tree called cinnamon. It is one of the spices which adds unique flavor to anything. It has been used from many centuries in ayurveda.
Its used in cooking and is added to many gravies. Even though people use it daily, many of them are unaware of its health benefits. Some of the important health benefits are as follows.

1. Dalchini helps in controlling diabetes especially type 2 diabetes.
2. It helps to beat the risk of cardio vasculsar diseases.
3. It helps in delaying the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
4. It helps in digestion.
5. It protects from various cancers.
6. It lowers arthritic pain.
7. It helps to lose weight.
8. It aids in clear skin.
9. It gives relief from common cold and cough.
10. It prevents tooth decay.
11. It cures acne and pimples.
12. It soothes dry skin.
13. It enhances the complexion.
14. It prevents skin infection.
15. It cures cuts and wounds.

16. It can lower bad cholesterol.
17. It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
18. It has inflammatory properties.
19. It can treat some types of pains and headaches.
20. It can treat PCOS.
21. It can mitigate menstrual bleeding.
22. It is a natural food preservative.
23. It can be used as a mouthwash to avoid bad breathe.
24. It can be a cure to bloating and acid reflux.
25. It lowers blood sugar levels.

At the end of the day, Dalchini is the most delicious and healthiest spices on the earth. So don't forget to add it for the taste and health !

Benefits Of Drinking Milk At Night

Drinking milk at night is the best time. 

Benefits Of Drinking Milk At NightA glass of milk consists if 32 grams of pure protein. It is advised to drink warm milk at night. Warm milk contains trytophan which helps fall asleep soon. It relax tense muscles. It gives relief from stress. It also prevents tiredness. Drinking milk at night when you suffer heart burn can actually reduce inflammation.

Milk is considered as complete food. It has all necessary nutrients. It contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin A, Niacin, vitamin D, vitamin B12. It has been in human diet from ages immemorial.

It avoids hypertension. It also prevents colon cancer. Drinking milk prevents from tooth decay. It also protect from cavity problems. Milk consumption after a heavy workout can replenish all the lost fluids.

The lactic acid found in milk prevents dead cells and makes skin look clear. Milk with turmeric natural reliever of cough and cold. It keeps body hydrated. It is a natural aid for cracked heels and sunburn. It reduces risk of diabetes and heart diseases.

It detoxifies body. Drinking milk with turmeric reduced cramps. Consumption of milk helps build bone health. It reduces cardiovascular diseases. It is a great appetizer.

Research has proven that people who drink milk daily are more likely to lose weight than  who do not drink milk. Many vitamins and minerals help to relieve stress.

It helps in boosting and add energy in lives. It lowers blood pressure. It also reduces risk of strokes. Daily consumption of milk helps in building good eyesight.It builds immune system. It reduces the chances of various diseases. It also reduced the effects of migraine.

Along with these benefits, drinking glass of milk at night prevents unhealthy snackings and cravings for food. So make sure you make it a habit of drinking a glass of milk to make you fall asleep with sweet dreams !

Muscle Blaze Fat Burner Review

Indian fat Burner Muscle Blaze is it worth ?

Muscle Blaze fat burner which comes in about Rs 500 - 600 , is purely made of vegetarian ingredients.
The company claims the Fat burner to be vegetarian as the main ingredient being Green tea followed by Gercina cambogia.We all know the benefits of Green tea, which is losing weight. Green tea helps losing weight by increasing metabolism through faster digestion, it is also considered good for diabetic patients.

Then what about Garcinia Cambogia,?
 this magic fruit comes from Africa, and is know for its special action of burning belly fat and not allowing it to store when you are using it. GREAT.

Is it Stimulant Free?

Muscleblaze claims the fat burner to be stimulant free i.e there is no added caffeine or any such chemical, so you can give it a try any time.

How many capsules should i take ?

Manufacturer specifies the maximum dose to be 3 capsules per day. But according to my personal opinion, one capsule before workout will be enough. If you are in a Hurry 2 capsules will be fine.

The first Indian Fat Burner From MuscleBlaze, with no added Stimulant and with Complete Veg. 

Beauty benefits of drinking more water

Beauty benefits of drinking more water

Water plays a vital role in the areas of health and beauty. Human adult body is made up of 55-75% water. In human body, blood is more than 80% water and brain consists of more than 75% of water.
Beauty benefits of drinking more water
Water has nutritional and life giving effect on body.

 There are plenty of health and beauty reasons for drinking enough water. Some of them are below:

1. Drinking water helps to keep your skin glowing and hydrated.

2. It helps in looking younger and avoid wrinkles

3. It is a natural stress reliever. It lowers stress.

4. Drinking water helps burn fat.

5. Water helps building cells, tissues and muscles.

6. It boosts mood and supports nervous system.

7. It regulates body temperature. Helps to cool you down and prevent from overheating.

8. It protects body organs and tissues and keeps them hydrated.

9. It helps to lessen the burden on kidneys and liver and flushes out toxins.

10. It carries oxygen and nutrients all over the body.

Signs of drinking inadequate water

There is nothing more refreshing than a glass of water. Sometimes a sip of water makes you much more satisfied than a cup of coffee or any other drink. Despite this fact, many of us refrain from drinking enough water. Drinking less water may lead to various problems.
Inadequate consumption of drinking water may be indicated by the following signs.

1. Your mouth becomes dry.
2. Skin is dry.
3. You feel more thirsty.
4. Eyes become dry.
5. You experience joint pains.
6. Muscle mass decreases.
7. You feel less energetic.
8. You experience fatugue.
9. You become sick and ill.
10. It leads to digestive problems.
11. Your body becomes dehydrated.
12. You suffer constipation.
13. Your urine turns yellow.
14. You observe paleness in skin.
15. Pre-aging and wrinkles appear.

Importance of water in daily life

Hidden health highlights of LEMON

The Lemon is the species of evergreen tree native to Asia. 
There are many hidden health benefits of lemon. Some of them are as follows:

1. The health benefits include treatment of indigestion and constipation.
2. Throat infection can also be cured using lemon.
3. Lemon can be a cure to many dental problems.
4. Internal bleeding can be treated using lemon.
5. Fever, cholera, rheumatism can also be cured with the help of lemon.
6. Blood pressure can be stabilized using lemon.
7. It also covers health and skin benefits.
8. It strengthens immune system.
9. It cleanses stomach by flushing out all the toxins.
10. It purufies blood and reduces body weight.
11. Lemon has medicinal values and anti-bacterial properties.
12. It prevents from infections and act as antisceptic.
13. It aids in reducing joints and knee pain.
14. It helps to cure the common cold.
15. It helps in nourishing skin and prevents from wrinkles.

LEMON WATER as a Perfect Good Morning Drink !


is a Vitamin C rich citric fruit. Drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach serves as a weight loss remedy. It makes you feel fresh and energetic. It actually reduces weight. It paves way to lose weight faster. It aids digestive system and cures indigestion. It also reduces constipation.

Lemon water enhances smooth bowel functions. It serves as a rich source for vitamin C, calcium, potassium and pectin fiber. It also consists of traces of iron and vitamin A. Lemon water early in the morning purifies blood and cleanses body. It flushes out all the harmful toxins from our body.

It protects the body from infections. It strengthens our immune system. It consists of anti-bacterial properties. The potassium in lemon helps to nourish brain and nerve cells .

It strengthens the liver. It provides energy to liver.It helps in  balancing the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver .In case of a heartburn, taking a glass of lemon juice can give relief.It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and  acne.

Packed with all the goodness, make sure you begin your day with a glass of warm lemon water. Its immense cleansing effects will have positive effects on your health in the long run.

Importance of water in daily life

Typhoid fever diet - A guide for Quick Recovery

Signs of drinking inadequate water

Aids slogans

World AIDS Day 

is celebrated on 1 December annually to raise awareness of the AIDS. The most popular choices for AIDS Awareness Month are October and December. The following are the slogans and quotes of AIDS...

1. Be Aware. Take Care !
2. Spread the knowledge, not the Virus.
3. Don't harm yourself but arm yourself with knowledge to combat HIV/AIDS.
4. Cover Your Lover!
5. Open your eyes before AIDS closes them.
6. Aids isn't just somebody's else problem, it could be yours !
7. Knowledge is the best prevention from the HIV infection.
8. End The Dread, Stop The Spread!
9. Hate the disease, but not the diseased.
10. Avoid the Scare, Be aware!
11. Wear protection to avoid infection.
12. Aids cant be cured by Band-aids.
13. Don't die,don't cry, when Aids come near, say goodbye!
14. Abstain, Be Faithful and Condomise!
15. The Laids aren't worth Aids.
16. Help us find a way to end a decay.
17. Love should not kill.
18. Prevention is better than cure.
19. AIDS: An equal opportunity disease.
20. Help us find a way to take AIDS away!
21. Condoms are cheaper than Aids.
22. Prevention is better than cure,especially when something has no cure.
23. Is 20 minutes of unprotected sex thrills worth a lifetime pills ?
24. Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light
25. If you judge people, you have no time to love them
26. If you think education is expensive,try ignorance.
27. The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.
28. If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.
29.  Why should the society feel responsible only for education of children, and not for the education of adults of every age ?
30. Lets aid each other to combat A.I.D.S !
31. Find a need and fill it.
32. The Aids is a disease hard to talk about.
33. The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.
34. It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.
35. Once You Choose Hope, Everything is Possible.

Typhoid fever diet - A guide for Quick Recovery

25 Symptoms of dengue fever in india

Dengue fever 

is the most common fever. An estimated 390 million people around world suffer from this fever every year. It is caused by family of viruses(dengue virus) transmitted through mosquitoes(aedes mosquitoes).
Symptoms of dengue fever in india
It is prevalent in tropics and sub-tropics. As it is transmitted through virus, there is no specific treatment. The prevention of dengue fever lies in eradicating mosquitoes which carries virus.

There are various symptoms of dengue fever. Most of the children and teens, may experience no signs or symptoms during a mild case of dengue fever. The following are the symptoms of dengue fever.

1. Sudden high fever.
2. Severe headaches.
3. Joints and muscle pain.
4. Pain behind eyes.
5. Nausea.
6. Fatigue.
7. Persistent Vomiting
8. Skin rashes.
9. Mild bleeding.
10. Swollen lymph nodes.
11. Sudden chills.
12. Loss of appetite.
13. Low backache.
14. Feeling unwell.
15. Low heartbeat.
16. Low blood pleasure.
17. Pale pink rashes over face.
18. Sweating.
19. Swollen palms.
20. Bleeding gums.
21. hemorrhagic fever.
22. Bleeding nose.
23. Severe abdominal pain.
24. Problems with lungs, lever and heart.
25. Irritation and restlessness.

Typhoid fever diet - A guide for Quick Recovery

Importance of water in daily life

Hidden health highlights of LEMON

MuscleBlaze Fat Burner Extreme Review

I hope you have checked my previous video on Muscle Blaze Fat burner ?

If not, Click on the video.

Muscle blaze fat burner extreme is an advance formula compared to its previous fat burner.

the main point you shall always consider and understand about this fat burner is that
it is a stimulant based fat burner.
 In the following article i'll Be discussing



There are 90 veg capsules which has 12 fat burning ingredients, the formula is
a combination of herbs and fruit extracts with amino acid which help in fat burning and
increasing metabolism.


As this fat burner has its base from original Muscle blaze fat Burner
and has about 12 fat burning ingredients,the main ingredient is the same magic fruit Garcinia Cambogia, which has special property of destroying belly fat and not allowing fat to be stored.

Then followed by garcinia, It is caffeine which makes the Fat Burner Extreme.
Each capsule has about 75 Mg of caffeine, which also has similar property of burning fat.

And then we have Bromelain which is an enzyme found in pineapple which helps in reducing swelling
* L- Thea-nine an amino acids also found in green tea. It is beneficial for regulating high blood pressure.


As i have said earlier, you must always remember that this fat burner is a stimulant based fat burner, so it must be used carefully and in limited or lesser dose.

The dosage prescribed by the company are as follows

1 Capsule in the morning on empty stomach
1 capsule 5-6 hours in the afternoon.

The following must be self studied and if the tolerance is achieved,1 more capsule can be added to morning serving making it 3 capsules per day. Company warns not to exceed 3 capsules per day.

According to me,

I suggest you to take 1 capsule for 5 days on empty stomach,
when you achieve the tolerance level add the another capsule
to the morning dose,
do not use any other fat burner with this product

Do i need this..?

If you are trying fat burner for the first time, or if you are already on any medication, Ask your doctor before you start the fat burner.

If you have migraine problem or any related problem then you must take a bit of care.People who never tried fat burner and elderly  must be careful while using this fat burner as this fat burner is stimulent based.


I think Muscle Blaze fat burner extreme is a good supplement with a combination of ingredients which really work and hit the spot.

Ingredients such as garcinia and coffee are universally known for its fat burning property.

This supplement is good to give you that kick which you need to burn fat and lose weight at the gym.

Dont forget to subscribe and like my facebook and Google page
you can do it by clicking here.


MuscleBlaze FatBurner with Garcinia - Review

Importance of water in daily life

MyFitFuel Whey Protein 80 Review

Importance of water in daily life

Water is one of the most essential substances on earth. Every living creature on earth needs water. If there was no water,there would be no life. Human body consists of 75% of water.
An average adult body contains 42 litres of water

With just a loss of 2.7 litres he or she can suffer from dehydration, irritability, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, weakness, headaches etc. It  also regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions. It helps in transporting, dissolving nutrients and organic matter and carry waste material.

It helps from preventing heart attacks. Water also increases metabolism and thus helps in fighting fat. It energizes cells and muscles. It makes skin look good. Water flushes out harmful toxins from our body. It maintains normal bowel function. It helps kidneys in cleansing our body.

The cells of our body consists of water. The content of water in cells varies from one to other. The quantity of water in cells also influences body size. The body shape and size can be reduced by drinking more water.

The following video below reveals THE TOP 10 FOODS FOR WEIGHT LOSS !

Typhoid fever diet - A guide for Quick Recovery

Menstrual Pain Relief can be Achieved - Natural Food For Monthly Pain

Menstrual pain is a very common problem experienced by 50-90% of reproductive aged women.

10 Foods for Menstrual Pain Relief

If you are the one, then these are  10 foods to help you with menstrual pain.

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MyFitFuel Whey Protein 80 Review - Things you should know

MyFitFuel Whey Protein 80 Review 

Following is a quick reveiw of Myfitfuel Whey protein 80, which is a concentrated protein powder with
Protein 25.6 g
 BCAA 5.6 g
Glutamine 4.2 g

Complete Nutritional Profile of MyFitFuel Whey Protein 80

Click here to SUBSCRIBE 

MuscleBlaze Fat Burner Extreme Review

Typhoid fever diet - A guide for Quick Recovery

Typhoid fever

 diet  is most important part of the treatment. Typhoid is one of the most common diseases in the world. It requires antibiotic medication. It takes time to recover.Usually patients suffers from low appetite and nauseous.

The diet during typhoid must be given close attention as it is an important part of the treatment. Gastro intestinal problems are common in care must be taken while cooking foods. Choosing of foods that are easily digested also plays vital part in the diet. The diet for typhoid patients must be high in calorie and protein rich. Include meals at short frequent intervals.

Meals should be easily digestible and semi solids can be included. It should contain raw or semi cooked fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to avoid the hard skin and seeds of fruits and vegetables.Ensure that the diet is full of vitamins as they help in speedy recovery. Spicy foods,fried foods and oily items must be avoided. Slightly overcooked rice along with yogurt can be include as it is easy to digest. Eggs,milk and meat are totally prohibited. Mashed potato and other soft cooked vegetables can be given.

Typhoid fever diet

It must consist of coconut water,lime juice,glucose water. The adequate fluids in the diet helps in maintaining water balance in the body. The main motive of the diet is to provide enough nutrients and water balance in the body.  Boiled water helps to keep body hydrated. Alcohol,caffeinated beverages,carbonated drinks and tea must be avoided.

Honey with warm water supplies energy to the body. Fresh fruit juices, coriander juice, buttermilk and soups can be consumed. Orange has a cooling effect and provides relief from restlessness. Maintaining water and electrolyte balance is necessary. Diet must be bland,low fiber, soft diet.

As the condition improves, large quantities can be given. A progressive  diet from a liquid  to a normal diet depending on the tolerance level would help  the persons appetite.