Hidden health highlights of LEMON

The Lemon is the species of evergreen tree native to Asia. 
There are many hidden health benefits of lemon. Some of them are as follows:

1. The health benefits include treatment of indigestion and constipation.
2. Throat infection can also be cured using lemon.
3. Lemon can be a cure to many dental problems.
4. Internal bleeding can be treated using lemon.
5. Fever, cholera, rheumatism can also be cured with the help of lemon.
6. Blood pressure can be stabilized using lemon.
7. It also covers health and skin benefits.
8. It strengthens immune system.
9. It cleanses stomach by flushing out all the toxins.
10. It purufies blood and reduces body weight.
11. Lemon has medicinal values and anti-bacterial properties.
12. It prevents from infections and act as antisceptic.
13. It aids in reducing joints and knee pain.
14. It helps to cure the common cold.
15. It helps in nourishing skin and prevents from wrinkles.
