25 Symptoms of dengue fever in india

Dengue fever 

is the most common fever. An estimated 390 million people around world suffer from this fever every year. It is caused by family of viruses(dengue virus) transmitted through mosquitoes(aedes mosquitoes).
Symptoms of dengue fever in india
It is prevalent in tropics and sub-tropics. As it is transmitted through virus, there is no specific treatment. The prevention of dengue fever lies in eradicating mosquitoes which carries virus.

There are various symptoms of dengue fever. Most of the children and teens, may experience no signs or symptoms during a mild case of dengue fever. The following are the symptoms of dengue fever.

1. Sudden high fever.
2. Severe headaches.
3. Joints and muscle pain.
4. Pain behind eyes.
5. Nausea.
6. Fatigue.
7. Persistent Vomiting
8. Skin rashes.
9. Mild bleeding.
10. Swollen lymph nodes.
11. Sudden chills.
12. Loss of appetite.
13. Low backache.
14. Feeling unwell.
15. Low heartbeat.
16. Low blood pleasure.
17. Pale pink rashes over face.
18. Sweating.
19. Swollen palms.
20. Bleeding gums.
21. hemorrhagic fever.
22. Bleeding nose.
23. Severe abdominal pain.
24. Problems with lungs, lever and heart.
25. Irritation and restlessness.

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