Importance of water in daily life

Water is one of the most essential substances on earth. Every living creature on earth needs water. If there was no water,there would be no life. Human body consists of 75% of water.
An average adult body contains 42 litres of water

With just a loss of 2.7 litres he or she can suffer from dehydration, irritability, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, weakness, headaches etc. It  also regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions. It helps in transporting, dissolving nutrients and organic matter and carry waste material.

It helps from preventing heart attacks. Water also increases metabolism and thus helps in fighting fat. It energizes cells and muscles. It makes skin look good. Water flushes out harmful toxins from our body. It maintains normal bowel function. It helps kidneys in cleansing our body.

The cells of our body consists of water. The content of water in cells varies from one to other. The quantity of water in cells also influences body size. The body shape and size can be reduced by drinking more water.

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