Typhoid fever diet - A guide for Quick Recovery

Typhoid fever

 diet  is most important part of the treatment. Typhoid is one of the most common diseases in the world. It requires antibiotic medication. It takes time to recover.Usually patients suffers from low appetite and nauseous.

The diet during typhoid must be given close attention as it is an important part of the treatment. Gastro intestinal problems are common in typhoid.so care must be taken while cooking foods. Choosing of foods that are easily digested also plays vital part in the diet. The diet for typhoid patients must be high in calorie and protein rich. Include meals at short frequent intervals.

Meals should be easily digestible and semi solids can be included. It should contain raw or semi cooked fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to avoid the hard skin and seeds of fruits and vegetables.Ensure that the diet is full of vitamins as they help in speedy recovery. Spicy foods,fried foods and oily items must be avoided. Slightly overcooked rice along with yogurt can be include as it is easy to digest. Eggs,milk and meat are totally prohibited. Mashed potato and other soft cooked vegetables can be given.

Typhoid fever diet

It must consist of coconut water,lime juice,glucose water. The adequate fluids in the diet helps in maintaining water balance in the body. The main motive of the diet is to provide enough nutrients and water balance in the body.  Boiled water helps to keep body hydrated. Alcohol,caffeinated beverages,carbonated drinks and tea must be avoided.

Honey with warm water supplies energy to the body. Fresh fruit juices, coriander juice, buttermilk and soups can be consumed. Orange has a cooling effect and provides relief from restlessness. Maintaining water and electrolyte balance is necessary. Diet must be bland,low fiber, soft diet.

As the condition improves, large quantities can be given. A progressive  diet from a liquid  to a normal diet depending on the tolerance level would help  the persons appetite.
