How to Use Fat Burner - Stimulant and Non - Stimulant Fat burner

From all the questions I have ever received, many people are confused how and when to take fat burners and which one to chose.

To begin with there are mainly two types of fat burners,
1) Stimulant Based – With Caffeine
2) Non Stimulant Based – Without caffeine

First step in understanding how to use your fat burner is understanding what type of fat burner you have, and what results you may expect from it. To begin with stimulant based fat burners

What are stimulant based fat burners?

In simplest words, any fat burner having caffeine in it as an ingredient is a stimulant based fat burner. Many fat burners have caffeine as single ingredient or with a combination or as a blend

So what is caffeine?

Yes I know you people are aware of caffeine, but many people think it as a drug, caffeine is also used as a dietary supplement. Many pre-workout supplements and fat burner has it as an active ingredient. Using caffeine wisely can give great results in achieving weight loss goals.

Being done with basic of caffeine

How to use A Stimulant Based Fat Burners?

As caffeine is known to increase focus, concentration and stamina to a certain limit, and is also proven to be addictive. Any fat burner which has caffeine in it can be addictive if taken for long periods (3 weeks or more)

For this reason Stimulant fat burners prescribe the dosage to follow, protocol to use it. It is based on simple rule, i.e. to study tolerance of individuals. Every person reacts differently to caffeine.

It is advice to go with 1 Pill on first two days, when tolerance is achieved, the dose can be increased to 2 pills per day after a week or 4 days, the dose can be increased to 3 pills which must be taken with first meal and second meal, the final phase is to take 4 pills i.e. 2 pills morning and 2 pills evening.
Direction of Stimulant Fat burner (Hydroxycut Hardcore)

1 pill day 1 - 2
2 pills Days 3 - 4
3 Pills (2 Pills with 1st Meal and 1 Pill with 2nd Meal) day 5 - 6
4 Pills (2 Pills Morning and 2 Pills Evening) after 7 days

Caffeine increases alertness, concentration, and keeps you awake till it is in your system. If you are a person who workout at afternoon or evening

Just understand how it works.

For afternoon you can take it just before your workout (45 mins)

For morning workout take it before your pre-workout meal

For evening workouts take it 1-2 hours after lunch, you can take it 45 mins before your workout but you may have problem sleeping. My advice is to take 4 hours before your evening workout.

What are non Stimulant Fat burners ?

As simple as that, fat burners which do not have mainly caffeine as its active ingredient is non stimulant. To be clear, these type of fat burners won’t give you any alertness focus and increase in concentration.

Such fat burners are not addictive, they can be started or stopped any time.
These are mainly carbs blocker, they help you control your appetite. Many people have carving for carbs, they get hungry very soon, or don’t feel a satisfaction of eating. For such people these fat burners can be helpful.
Mainly these fat burners have all natural ingredients and extracts of super foods, such as Garcinia etc. Which is appetite suppressant.

Another thing which I would like to say and end this article is, drinking of water. If you chose to go with stimulant or non- stimulant fat burner, water is must. On average you must drink 3-4 liters of water. Fat burners dehydrate your body, if you don’t drink enough water when on fat burners you may stress your kidney which may result in kidney failure. If you are on Stimulant based fat burner you must drink more as the level of dehydration will be more.
So take care. Don’t compromise with drinking water
